Growing your own veg is always satisfying, the taste of a freshly picked runnerbean bursting with a nutty sweet flavour to the tangy Tayberry busting with juice. If only we could wave a magic wand and work could be done!!!! But alas no!
Pam is busy with kitchen duties, the smells of carrot and swede with black treacle in our farmhouse pickle to the tangy smells of oranges for our marmalades.
I on the other hand have been charged; under the watchful eye of John to start this years preparation for the works in the garden and greenhouses.
Last week it was all about clearing the greenhouses and polytunnel of all the old grapevines and chilies.
This week has been about washing them down, sterilizing and preparing them for the year ahead. John has been busy looking through seed catalogs deciding which onion sets, beetroot varieties etc we are going to order for 2018.